Friday, August 04, 2006


Good morning to you all.
I was awake in the night writing a profound and life-changing blog in my head. It was monumental! Brilliant!
But it's gone now.
I have in it's place a thick fog which I am counting on the coffee to clear.

I was reading Proverbs this morning and thinking about The Contentious Women. It's really bad to be contentious. If you are contentious, then you are argumentative, and you cause strife.
I like to argue, but I don't like strife.
I like friendly arguments.
I have this one friend named Suzie, and her husband Dan is so much fun to argue with. He is one of those people with whom you can really debate without ever getting angry. Chuck would say that is an argument without a quarrel.
But I don't suppose that's what Proverbs is talking about.
Why is an quarrelsome woman so bad? Somehow it mars God's design for biblical femininity. The opposite of Contentious, then, what would that be? Compliant? Nah, God seems to appreciate women with spunk. Look at Abigail. That girl had chutzpah!
Perhaps the key would be Respect. A respectful woman who can state her case without bludgeoning her husband with her opinion.
I should work on that.
I don't really have a husband. But if I did, I think I would be the sort that could be awfully contentious. It's more than liking to argue for me. It's that I have done things my own way for so long, that I might want to impose that upon him. So, maybe being flexible is part of the antidote.
If you are a married woman who has thought this thru, you should comment and tell me all your wisdom.
If you are a married man, and have thoughts on this, I'd love to hear your wisdom, too.
I am pondering....


Cathy said...

Goodness. I'm afraid I have no advice. I try not to be contentious. Really, I do.

Sometimes I feel like I don't do a very good job.

I'm so thankful that Asia loves me... it really does make me want to be uncontentious.

Jenn said...

Why is a quarrelous woman so bad? I ask you, Why is a quarrelous man so bad? Basically, for that question, it doesn't boil down to gender. Quarrelsomeness (a new word?) is just unkind and kindness is high on God's list.