Sunday, September 24, 2006

Granny's Girl

I went out to brunch today with my Mother and my Grandparents. It was a lovely sunny Sunday morning, and there was good food on the menu.
Mother and Grandpa fell to discussing a variety of lethal medical ailments. The conversation then turned to motor vehicle accidents,and the resulting grisly deaths.
My grandmother and I sought to be polite as possible under the circumstances, but what can one do? We managed to turn the conversation to doilies and the color pink. But it was a brief reprieve.
Shortly after brunch was served they lit upon the topic of Heinous Deaths in the Civil War. Was it from amputations or poor hygiene? Although I thought that we had reached the Ultimate in Unappetizing conversation, I was mistaken. Indeed, it had not occurred to me that The French Revolution had seasoned history with a variety of ways to die. Now I know better.
I am Granny's Girl. I like polite things...Well, mostly.
Growing up, my mother was known to dissect things at the dinner table. Eyeballs. Hearts. Truly! My step-father was an avid hunter, and we would eat wild things. Mother never was one to miss an educational opportunity. So, besides eating liver and tongue, we viewed the innards of the animals as well. I have plucked a goose and a duck for my dinner. How many girls have done that?
I am really not terribly squeamish, but there does seem to be a time and a place for such things.


KJP said...


Gees my granny is the exact opposite! She is the one to bring up automotive disembowlments while serving up what could have been a great dinner.....

But, aren't families fun! Shudder! My grandmother (mother's mother) is a solid "Norweign" battleship - probably will out live us all, as she is just shy of 100 now. She is actually Russian but will not admit it to anyone and would rather claim she is Norweign with part American Indian. Don't ask me! I didn't know too of them were roaming around Russia 100 years ago! (A little soft in the mind these days - she thinks I am her oldest son.....)

Foot was doing pretty good, still can not get it into a shoe so had to wear sandals to church and promptly got stepped on at lest 5 times! Then limping to lunch with friends afterwards, where one of them managed to put a chair foot right on the remains before sitting down.

Yah, I sort of squelled.

And you will laugh at this - I mentioned a few days ago about going to get a chocolate fix. Turned out chocolate reacts with the anitbiotic they have me on for the foot. Oh did I get sick Friday! I am not sure I will be facing any chocolate bars for a while. (Gasp!)

Well, best get on with my day - tons of email before planning the week out and I get to soak my foot for a while. The soaking is kind of fun as I am currently reading Daniel from a Hebrew commentary perspective - very interesting!

Jenn said...

I would have been right there with Grandpa and Auntie Karen! Pink. of all the absurd things to talk about.