I have a lot of questions right now about the way life ought to be as opposed to the way it is. I really love my little life, and I get to see grand miraculous things happening rather frequently. But that's not really what I am talking about.
I wonder about deeper, philosophical things.
Spiritual things.
Like which elements of my Christianity are manufactured by the Wealthy Western culture I find myself in.
Do you wonder about that?
Does God really care if we show up to church in heels and nylons so we look nice while we smile at each other? Where in Scripture does it say that I need to fold my hands and close my eyes while praying? How come none of the 'nice' Christians I know hang out with Prostitutes and thieves, like Jesus did? Is there an order of service in the bible...and do we even have to meet in a church building?
These questions are fanned into flame by two men that I love, Uncle Ross and Donald Miller.
I know Uncle Ross because he's married to my Martial Arts Auntie. He's way smarter than anyone else on the planet, I think.
I don't really know Donald Miller, except that I've read all his books. I might marry him if things don't work out with Chuck.
Chuck brings all these questions out, too. He often comments that I function in a "world of women and children", and that Jesus was a man. That's true. Men are a different species! I have lots to learn on that front, too.
All of these men challenge a lot of the things I thought were true about being a Good Christian.
Before just a few years ago:
It had totally never occurred to me that Jesus wasn't American-ish. I always thought of Him as having a Ivy League education and a western way of thinking. He would be well-groomed and polite. hmmmm.....
I'm growing, I think.
I really want to know the Real Jesus.
I totally know how to fit in at my church and be a Pharisee.
But God wants me to give food to the poor with my own two hands.
God wants me to love in action the people He loves. Often this is inconvenient.
God wants me to protect the fatherless, and he's made that one easy for me! I have two of those living in my home.
God wants me to seek Him with my whole heart, and I think that's what this is all about.
1 comment:
Love this message!
There are several of on Blogger that feel exactly as you do! you might enjoy visting: http://convergentcafe.blogspot.com/
The first two are by the same guy, if you like them, he has plenty of links to keep you busy. I also can point you to a few more.
The last one is a young lady serving in Uganda as a missionary. I rather like her blog......
Of course I am just starting out my blog, so short and boring but this weeks article might interest you (if I can get it up by Monday!).
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