It's Wednesday, week 3 of the new school year. I can't remember why I homeschool.
Is it so that I can be sedentary all day?
Is it so that I can watch the house fall below OSHA standards while I teach the same phonics lesson... Again?
Is it so that I can assume total responsibility for my children's future?
Is it so I'll have no time to shower or exercise?
Yeah, I know it's not funny, unless you home educate, too. If you are a fellow home educator, then it's downright hysterical. You're probably sucking your thumb in the fetal position, as I am.
I know, I know. I told you that I love to homeschool. I do.
It's just that it's a lot to ask of one person. It's like a full time job, that I work at the same time I am working my other full time job. Something has to suffer. For me it's housework and my social life. And physical fitness. And yard work. And romance.
Ok, this is getting depressing.
I love to homeschool
I love to homeschool....
Alright, I don't love it today.
But sometimes I love it.
I love it when I get to watch my boys learn something new and thrilling. I can see the gears turning behind their eyes.
I love it when we can do school in our pajamas. Or in bed.
I love it when we get off on tangents about stuff like ancient Egypt and we get lost in history for hours.
I love it when the boys make comments about Shakespeare in public. Or when they say something to me in Latin, just because they can.
I love that I know my boys really well from spending so much time with them all these years. We've never spent 8 hours apart on a regular basis.
I love that they know me and are attuned to my idiosyncrasies.
Ok, see? I do love to homeschool.
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