M' likes girls.
This is, I suppose, better than it could be.
However, he's only 11. I told him, "You are NOT 'hot', at 11, you are maybe 'luke-warm.'" He says girls think he's sexy. Whatever.
The dad of this little girl just knocked on my door this morning to invite M' to her soccer game. He says M' is "always welcome." This cute little girl hid behind her daddy while he spoke with me. Her name is Sarah, and she has freckles and a winning personality. I hadn't showered yet, and I have mascara under my eyes. I am certain I made a smashing impression.
M' is giddy.
M' says I should put a photo of him on here so all your daughters will see the truth about how Hot he is. Clearly his self-esteem is solid.
I am really not ready for this.
I told him that he is too young to have a girlfriend. He said, "yeah, I know. But we can't help liking each other."
I have never had the brakes go out on my car, but this part of parenting is like that must be. I feel like I'm standing on the brake pedal, but it's going to the floor. I can't stop it.
M' says that all his friends who have dads are getting encouragement to seek out girls. I keep telling him girls are evil. They are Satan. Run fast, run far. He says Chuck encourages it. I told him Chuck is evil.
D' is close behind. He's rapidly approaching the age of 10, and he gets super goofy around pretty girls of any age.
Dang, why do they start so young? I was never so....O, wait.Yes, I was.
I have a long road ahead.
Lock up your daughters.
Actually, it's M' we have betrothed to Maddie. I think they would make a fabulous duo. D' is still a mystery. I can't think of anyone who could handle him!
Um, yes, they're both very handsome... and no, I don't think locking kids up will help anything. It's bound to happen.
We'll get through it.
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