So I am re-evaluating my life from the inside out. It's a good time to do it.
I have finally decided to take off some weight, so I am eating carefully, and I am going back to the gym. I'm not fat yet, but I sure am not in the kind of shape I like to be in. I am very mindful that my black belt test is about 8 months away. If I am not in the best shape of my life for that, I will suffer unnecessarily. Like, it will kill me.
There's more than weight to it. I need to refocus my parenting strategies as these boys get older. I have all these goals written out for them, and I have to look at that from time to time to stay on course.
Plus, it's a change of season. In more ways than one!
I wonder if I should focus on being single and not think about men for a while. Or if I should really meet people with an eye toward marrying again. Should I call Donald Miller? Or write my own book?
Skiing is in my future.
The holidays are coming.
It's school time.
The leaves are changing.
Who knows what could be right around the corner? Change is in the wind....
Maybe I should buy that lottery ticket!
Ever hit a whole bunch of wrong keys before, leaving a message possibly requiring crossed eyes or a CRAY computer to figure out?
I had intended to say:
AH! Weight loss? Exercise? Black belt? AH!!!!! Get out those bon-bons and back on to the couch - right now! You are scaring those of us in Blog-land!
Lotto tickets are always good (yah, like I know anyone whom has ever won anything!). I like picking up one ticket anytime a jackpot hits $16,000,000. I figure after taxes I could live on that one over 20 years. Why one ticket? Because my engineering friend proved to me that the odds are exactly the same no matter how many you buy. Always good to have a math whiz around.
Based on your earlier posts, don't bother hunting guys - learn to be happy in the situation you are in and let God worry about bringing someone special along (if there is someone special). Be friendly, enjoy yourself and don't sweat the guy stuff - I personally don't think we are worth it.....
You ought to have some older male influence though in your boys' lives. Perhaps at church there is someone(s) whom can take a few hours a month to do something special with them. It would be good for all involved.... Pseudo grandfather type, god-father, uncles? Doesn't even have to be the same one all of the time, just someone with an interest in fishing, wood working or even willing to have little hands work on a broken down VW. Whatever, bet if you asked around your church, you would find someone recommended whom is safe.
Hmmm, more of butt-in-ski than I thought I was....
Thank you, paj, it's nice that you think I'm beautiful....and stuff.
Yes, Kjp, I agree that the boys need male role models. In fact, I agree that I need bon-bons. Who needs to "hunt for men" when I have kings and paj on my blog?
What the heck is going on here? Are you making a new best friend, my Kelly friend?
I don't even remember what the original post was about after reading the comments...
Smooches, friend. And bon-bons.
Ha-Ha! Good one PAJ, it took me half an hour to figure that one out (so much for playing with foreign brains, eh? I think you have wiped what is left of mine for the day!).
Need tea ........ extra strong ..... I think ..... in ... a .. cup. Maybe.
(Oh and PAJ, 8,000+/- miles is a horrible commute. So, CATHY, Kelly is perfectly safe.....)
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