Thursday, October 26, 2006

Dear Lynda,

I want to have a Worst Date Ever contest once the Hoagie contest is over. Heather Anne may very well win, but I'll bet we could give her some stiff competition.
Of course to actually compete, I would have to have a date.
Small problem.
I have had some really swell dates in the past.
None currently.
Men hate me. (Although, my last boyfriend gave me a detailed explanation of why. I have four pages of notes from that conversation. Not a single one of his points related to my Stunning Beauty or Towering Intellect. Go figure.)
I need a Technology coach. I can't figure out how to enhance my blog with lots of cool links. I am working on it, though. Well, sort of. I am making a plea for help anyway.
Lynda....Please Help me with my blog!!!!!!!


KJP said...

Oh heavens! If you want a bad date, try this:

I was forced to go met this young lady by my parents. She was only told of the arrangement slight before my arrival. She trips on something while carrying a roasted ham to the table. She does a face plant on the table, ham with about a liter of juice ends up in my lab.

She runs for her room, hysterical. I have to be taken to emergency, where my favorite suit is cut off and then have my um, "nethers", packed in ice. Well plus the continuing humiliation of having second and third degrees burns cared for over several weeks.

Though as bad dates go, 35 minutes was not too bad......

Kelly said...

That's terrible! Tell me you made that story up!!!!

KJP said...

Oh, no - that really happended.....

A less memorable date - though none the less humiliating:

I took the Swedish model (if you remember the postings - Udie) out for a hike in the mountains. We got back to town about dinner time so we went to this place that is sort of built as a maze and you pick your food up and carry it your self to the table.

Well, as stupid here, was walking up a ramp, one eyelet of a boot caught the loop of the other boot and I stumbled. She was already down some stairs to a floor below.

So, I am going down, but there is a short wall in front of me. I caught the rail mid-section, which flipped me over the wall to the storey below. When I land, I pile-drove my food tray through my date. (one of Newton's laws I think)

So, I have a broken nose, several teeth went through my cheeks and am covered in blood, curled up in a fetal position praying for god to me home now!

My date was launched across several tables covered with food, which naturally was now all over her front and mine all over her back!

That was probably the most traumatized that young lady would be for several more years!

Yes, a date with Kris was an invitation to disaster.

Now that I think about it - this was sort of the usual for me, as my mind now remembers a few other disasters!

Tom Atkins said...

Thanks for your visit to my little blog. From where I'm sitting, way accros the country, you shouldn't need the encouragement you speak of - you've clearly got real creativity going on - that comes out in every entry!