Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A fairy tale

My life feels incredibly average sometimes.
...That is because I can't publish the very most delicious morsels of my day.... That means that I am only common on the outside, and inside I am living a surreptitious life of mystery and intrigue.... This is because of my fanciful imagination, and my abhorrence for reality.

Heather Ann taught me that I have super powers. So I am willing myself slender, beautiful, and desirable, with my mind. This will result in an enviable dating experience.
Also, I am going to take my own advice and make all my stories more interesting by "giving the truth scope." (You get extra credit if you can name the movie that quote came from.)
So, here is the story of my day, made grander for your viewing!

This morning I embraced the day with a smile and a prayer before my alarm even went off. It was a glorious morning. Mornings are usually glorious for me, but they are guaranteed to be so if I've slept for 9 hours.
Sleep is also Glorious.
The legion of children entrusted to my care began arriving at 6am. (Truly, I am underpaid.)
....ok, I have no idea how to make changing diapers and home educating sound remotely exotic. The fact that I managed a shower during the baby's nap was rare and wonderful, but I am not going to spend a lot of time telling you the details of that.

The truth is that I am annoyed. Deeply and thoroughly annoyed. I don't really have to have a reason because I am female, and we get to be annoyed any time we feel like it, by reason of our gender.
The truth is that I can't convince myself that my life is fascinating, because it isn't. Some days I think it is, but then I wake up and see that I have bills to pay, and ten pounds to lose, and a messy house.
The truth is, I was expecting Prince Charming to ride in and sweep me off my feet years ago. He's late. Isn't that just like a man? He probably got lost and refused to stop and ask for directions.
The truth, the Real Truth, is that I don't want to clean the kitchen, and that is why I am rambling aimlessly on my blog.
Tell me all about your life of mystery and intrigue and passion...because I could use a good story!

1 comment:

KJP said...

Truth scope? Is that like a mouthwash that causes you not to lie?

I think my son needs a case of it!