Sunday, October 01, 2006

Fiat voluntas Tua

I was telling a portion of my story to someone last night, and I was struck again at how hollow it sounds when reduced to a few words...
"My husband left and there was this whole Meth thing, and the police came, and stuff. But God totally, like, took care of us. So, it was cool."
-Obviously, this rendition leaves something to be desired.
How do I put into words a series of events that totally rocked my entire reality? How do I tell someone who wasn't there what it was like to have the animation kicked out of me? To have children whose welfare depended upon me staying upright, though I could hardly draw breath?
I think some people in Scripture were like that.
I was reading about Hannah and how she wanted a baby for years. What I read was that she was sad, and she prayed, and God finally gave her 6 kids.
We don't read about the years she couldn't get out of bed for depression. Or the fights she had with that mean second wife. Or how she tricked herself into thinking she was pregnant, and then found that she was dead wrong...again. This stuff is implied, but you really have to stop and think about it to gain some depth perception.
It really makes me want to embrace the moments God gives me. Life is so rich with these remarkable stories! But even when the stories are my own, I need to stop periodically to see how they have mixed with the passage of time to create My Life.
Happy days make us smile, but it's the painful stuff that makes us deep. I like to be with people who have suffered.
Neither sorrow nor joy comes cheaply. Each has a cost, and neither one should be wasted. But neither one should be trivialized, either.Joy has a purpose. So does grief. Carpe Diem!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I know you are wondering...It means "Thy will be done"