I am going to tell you about a funny thing that happened in my house this weekend, but you can't tell anyone, because it's a secret.
My boys and their buddies were doing this male posturing where they were bragging about who has the most facial hair.
"Dude, I have the most peach fuzz." (He really said that, he said "peach fuzz).
"Look at this...in the light, you can totally see it."
"This (pointing to his lip) this is 11...11 years!"
They have no facial hair. I have more hair on the bottom of my feet than the four of those pre-pubescent boys combined.
Well, I will side with your son on this one! I get a five o'clock shadow every 8 to 10 days..... My son already had a real mustache and goatee at 13! Fathers in our church take one look at him and hide their daughters! It is very funny....
So, Kelly, you have hair on the bottom of your feet?????? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, I promise I will not tell a soul...... Would you shave something like that or just nair it... I wonder. I know number 2 daughter took off her eyebrows with nair two years ago......
Kyler is actually developing a mustache... and hair in other places, I hear... it's terrifying.
Sounds like I probably have more facial hair than those boys... thank goodness for tweezers.
Did you know that this is the same title as my most favorite Bond film......
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