I am a Princess.
It's pretty much disgusting. You should have seen me yesterday...I sat on my bed with my foot propped up on pillows. I was reading a good book. Patsy and Celise cleaned my house for hours...Jessie dropped by with meals for my freezer, and lounged on my bed with me to keep me company. Celise also brought food...as did Lisa.
I am being pampered beyond belief. This will ruin me for any man, you know.
The down side is that I am growing fat and flabby. I can't exercise at all, and I keep eating. There are donuts and chocolates, and meals, and....oh, dear!
I am going to be a very large Princess. Like maybe a Hawaiian Princess. Didn't they consider obesity to be beautiful?
Oh shoot. I want to come lounge on your bed and visit with you.
You can't possibly get that fat lounging for a couple of days. Relax.
Enjoy the time.
I've threatened to have another baby just so people would bring me meals. Guess I could just break a toe...
Relish the days of leisure while you have them! You are blessed to have such friends. And, hopefully the rascals are in there helping out as well!
Maybe you are thinking Samoan royalty, they seem to prize abundance.
I picked up a book, Nevada Barr, I thought it was a western, silly me that was the author's name! You might like the author - it is not a western though, sniff!
If I may beg your permission, your royal highness, I must press on - have to get ready for another mandatory meeting next week. Yes, another fly for two days to have a 30 minute meeting.... Grrrrrr.
Is anyone there?
Missing you.
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