Thursday, March 01, 2007

today's #2 blog

I know that somewhere out there, there must be a deeply meaningful, world changing blog. I don't know where it is though, and it isn't here. This is the place where I come when I no longer want to face the responsibilities of my day. This is where I come to ignore my children. Or other people's children. Or other people.
Today, for instance, I am blogging for the second time because I have an enormous pile of stuff to do. If I ignore it, it might go away. If I follows me in here, I can always write about it.
I woke at 5:30 this morning, because I had children arriving at 6. I was off to a strong start, but now I am all worn out and ready to go back to bed. I have to pick a child up from school
and then go off to teach kung fu
and then get another child from school
and then cook dinner
and then dash for the airport and then catch a plane to Seattle.
So, I am tired in advance, you see. I have already gotten 3 kids off to school, home educated my own 2, blogged and packed and read my bible. I am overworked.


Cathy said...

Why are you going to Seattle?

Do tell!

Anonymous said...

girlfriend...why else would K go to Seattle???

it's CHUCK-a-rama !

have fun kelly!!!!!!!!

Cathy said...

I'm so out of touch. One month it's not Chuck-o-rama and the next month it is.

Seriously. What the heck?

Kelly said...

No, No, you are all mistaken! I ran off to a fabulous solitary retreat on the seaside. I did go to visit with Chuck, but he was sick as a dog, so I indulged my longing for solitude and silence. It was heavenly.