Monday, November 28, 2016

The briefest of updates

Thanksgiving and the Start of the Christmas Shopping Season  have managed to distract me from both blogging and the bloggable hullabaloo in which I currently reside. Things around here have, in truth, been quite a bit better than they were the last time I checked in. We are given to astonishing bouts of Dramatic activity, punctuated by relatively peaceful interludes.
I sat down to write to you a couple of times, but only succeeded in perusing old blog posts and growing maudlin. Unfortunately, I gave up drinking in a fit of righteousness last summer, so my maudlin bits are tepid at best.
Please understand that when I say that I gave up drinking, I may not be embracing honesty wholeheartedly. What I mean is that I don't drink wine every night, nor at luncheons with the ladies. I keep to water, or the occasional iced tea. Diet Coke if I'm feeling wild. There's Coffee, of course, in the mornings. Or early afternoons. Occasionally, I bless my evening tea with a dollop of Scotch. Or my Hot Cocoa with a splash of Rumpleminz. Or the Pelligrino with just a bit of Vodka. And if someone else has opened a bottle of wine, who am I to decline? So, you can see how I may be deluding myself somewhat.
I think that I may be better served by giving up parenting.
Parenting does seem to have had some negative consequences on my general health and well-being. It's highly stressful, chronic, and very often terminal. My prognosis is cautiously hopeful, though a long-shot. I don't think there's a cure. Since it appears to be a life-long condition, I am struggling to come to terms with it.

1 comment:

kara said...

You're funny! I want to give up parenting too. : )