Saturday, September 16, 2006


I go through phases. Sometimes I am blogging constantly in my head, and actually publishing quite a bit.
Other times, I don't feel like sharing all the stuff in my head with the world.
Now is one of those other times.
There's just too much serious stuff in my head right now. Putting things down on paper always seems to trivialize or mock at situations. That, or writing can lay things bare. There are some things that ought to be kept close. Private.
There's so much to life.
It's odd to me how joy and grief so often go hand-in-hand.
Humor and tears.
Folly and wisdom.
It's a challenge, I think, to settle into the one while experiencing the other.



hello kelly,i am nabil and i have
a blog,so i wonder if you wanna be
my girl friend,you are fantastic.
there is a photograf of me on the blog.

Kelly said...

Merci de l'offre. Je suis flatté ! Hélas, je dois dire le non.

KJP said...


I stumbled across your blog several days ago and have enjoyed reading through your entries. You write very well in an interesting manner and your stories are easy to relate to.

You should be flattered! How often is one approached by a King? Heavens, I am only a miserly Marquist in real life (yah that and $5.00 generally can buy a cup of coffee most places I understand - tea drinker myself).

How could anyone ever hope to compete agaist such an offer? Are you swept off your feet yet? Having visions of a Grace Kelly gown draped across your shoulders as your eyes fill with confetti?

Ah, I love it! Keep up your blogging. At least I am enjoying it.

Kelly said...

Welcome to blogland, kjp! Thank you for your kind words.
I shall visit your blog and say hello there.