Monday, September 04, 2006


If you ever come to see me, I hope you will bring wine.
I love wine.
Someday I am going to be really good at being a wine snob.
Even Jesus was something of a Sommelier. He was at that one wedding where He made really good wine. Remember?
I think good wine is important, that's why it's in the bible.
Some people have no problem purchasing the occasional box of wine. As long as it's an expensive box.
For my part, I'd rather have a glass or two of good wine with someone wonderful than a whole box anytime. A box is for a cheap buzz. A good glass is a sensual experience.

I think wine must be like sex.
Hang with me for a moment, I am not going to get scandalous.
What I mean is that a lot of the single people I know approach dating (which they equate with sex) like a box of cheap wine. It's an easy buzz, and a never ending supply. Plus, they look for it in local bars.
The real thing requires a higher cost, and a richer pleasure. Granted, any comparison to sex is asking a great deal of my memory. But I think it's profound anyway.
No wine worth having is available the day it's have to wait a while. See how my analogy works?

I know, I know....nice Christian homeschool moms don't talk about such things.
But I know a few single people, and most of them aren't Christian homeschool moms.
(Well, there is Celise, but she's the only other single, Christian, homeschool mom on the planet. I thank God for her, by-the-way, because nobody else understands my life like that girl does.)
Most of the single people I know are all about the cheap box o' wine, if you see what I mean.
So, when I talk about Purity,
or Jesus,
or the value of Exquisite Wine, they have no idea what planet I'm from. They back away slowly while speaking in a soothing tone.
But I feel sad for them, because they've lost their taste for the real thing by saturating themselves in flavorless profligacy.
And they don't even know they're drowning.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Grandpa buys boxed wine. What does that mean?