Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tuesday in blogland

You know I'm falling down on the job when the comments are more interesting than the bogging!
The boys are off doing some independent studies and I have a moment to write to you all out there in blogland.
I am on the New Me kick. I have been going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. That's not so much 'new me', as focusing on what works best for me. I have been exercising and energetic and stuff. It feels wonderful.
I haven't talked to many people, which means that I have a lack of material to turn into humor. It's because I am being Responsible.
This week, though, my grandparents will be in town, and that should give me lots to write about. My grandparents are the Most Wonderful people on Earth. They have impacted my life more than anyone outside of my parents. We laugh a ton when they are around. My family is mostly female, so you should pray for Grandpa and my sons. We all talk a lot. And all at once. It's very noisy.
Today, I have children to educate, kung fu to teach, bible study tonight, and a house to clean. If I get a shower at all, I'll be very happy.
Happy Tuesday friends!


KJP said...

I don't know, black belt practice, teaching kung-fu. Hmmm, PAJ said nothing about you being dangerous! We Swiss are very much into self-defense - that is why our ancestors built such high mountains!

You look kind of skinny though in your photo - you sure you need to exercise and lose weight? You know the Swiss economy is heavily vested in the bon-bon industry and you are obliviously not doing your fair share to support our tiny nation's economy. Think Nestle, Tobler, Lindt, or even Maestrani (odd as they are...). You know we may be the only European country with NO US foreign aid.

Buy Toblerone bars for each of the boys and have them taunt you regularly with them! You can break this funk! If only you would try! Ok, you might need more than two of the Toblerones ........ Do the stores carry six-packs of chocolate over there?

And talk about energy! Think of how wound you will be for Grandmother with a few Tobler's put away! Bet she will want to, two, too!

(I think I failed an English exam on that one once.....)

Cathy said...

Oh goodness, our Swiss friend. I LOVE Lindt. Love it. Like I could marry it...

Kel - I'm having the same energy lately - eating well, exercising... it's lovely and annoying all at the same time, because we know it can't last, right? Never does. Oh well. For now I'll choose salad over Lindt. But not spinach salad. Although perhaps with E.coli one could lose lots of weight...

Smooches, friend.

Kelly said...

"to, two, too!" That was very funny! I got that joke!