Saturday, January 13, 2007

hospitality at house church

So, here's the thing. House church is fantastic and I love it. We meet on Saturday night with lots of food and no agenda. The no agenda part is really hard to get used to for a girl who's grown up in a traditional church environment. We always eat and pray and discuss life and God's Word. But we kind of go with the Spirit, too. Sometimes we sing, and usually we don't. Tonight we did communion. We talk a lot about random topics. No one is really in charge. It's wonderful.
We had a ton of people here tonight.
I have a small house, to begin with. I am trying to count ...I think there were about 15 adults and 30 kids, maybe more. That doesn't sound like a lot if you go to a Mega church in Texas, but in my living room, it's quite something.
The first little thing to go awry was the red wine on the carpet. Yes, we drink wine. That wasn't the problem. But, before the wine, my carpet was mostly pale. Not so much, after.
Then there were the glass shards from the open window in D's room. Fortunately, no one escaped or was fatally wounded.
And the toilet...It was lucky Soubanh was here. Who knows what the little ones flushed? The thing is clogged really, really bad. How come a clogged toilet won't flush away, but will Over Flow? It hardly seems fair. That was a Damp Disaster involving a number of towels, a couple grown men, a plunger, and some bleach. The plunger didn't work. Hopefully, the bleach did. Soubanh's coming back tomorrow to replace my toilet.
There's Scripture, you know, which says to "Show hospitality without complaint." Blogging is not the same as complaining. It's actually way better.
Just as I was typing, just as I was typing, the boys came to tell me of the horrors in my bathroom. My Own Personal Bathroom. At the moment it is the only working toilet in the house.
Horrors, indeed.
Someone who used it last was Not Healthy and I have just retuned from bleaching the Splatters from the porcelain in there. Truly, there were splatters. And one of my nice towels seems to have been misused as toilet paper. It was so gross. After washing my hands really well, I Lysol-ed the entire house. Whatever child left that mess cannot be trusted to wash their hands, so I Lysol-ed EVERY Surface. I assume it was a child. Please tell me that no adult would do that.
My bathroom is painted a stunning red called "opera house red," and I have lovely white accents. It's not a place for younglings. It's a place for perfume and jewelry and private solitary moments.
But I digress....
House Church is really a great thing, over all. Plus, we're meeting at Lisa'a next week. When is Meichelle hosting?


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry! How horrible. how do you feel? ok?

I can I just say: NEVER!!!!! Leo actually commented on how we could have so many kids at our house if we ever hosted, and I assured him that I already told you we couldn't with the kids. Well, maybe in the spring/summer if all the kids would stay outside. We'll see.

Kelly said...

Of course I am ok, It was just so comical! I think it would be more comical if you would host.....

KJP said...

Home-Church, Home-Trashed, hmmm, something missing there!

I don't think I ever attended a home church with more than maybe 10 at most! So, the home usually survived.

Did you try hydrogen peroxide on the wine? It might lift it. I know it does blood and printer ink really well out of white carpet (daughter feed an earing through the printer last spring and burst a cartridge - sigh...).

Doesn't duct tape keep kids really busy for a while?

Cathy said...

Oh dear. Overflowing and clogged toilets are just the worst. THE WORST, I TELL YOU!!!

Poor Kelly.

Have I ever told you that whenever I see the word "awry" I always pronounce it to myself as though it rhymes with 'sorry' and then I have to go back and pronounce it correctly, with the emphasis on the second syllable and all? Can we still be friends?