Thursday, May 03, 2007

Desire, Lust, and Greed

Ha! I made you look!

I'm a little slow about some things. Actually, I have just discovered Bob Dylan. David Roper (whose books you should go buy right now) quotes him from time to time.
There is this song called "Spirit on the Water" that totally thrills my soul. It's the one I keep playing over and over. What songs are you wearing out? I do that, and I know it's so annoying to my children, but they do it, too. I pick a song and play it at very opportunity. Over and Over.
David Roper was my pastor growing up. He is gentle and wise and so very real. That's the kind of Christian I can respect.
Well, I have been thinking a lot about what the "desire of my Heart" could be. Interesting, because it's a term that is used in Scripture. You'll find in in Psalm 37, and 20, and around Proverbs, and even in the New Testament.
On the surface, I'd say that the desire of my heart is something like a husband and children and enough money to live without financial worry. But, God talks about giving me the desire of my heart. Since I do not have the above mentioned list, I had to really look a bit deeper.
That word for "desire" can mean several things, (accroding to my handy-dandy Strong's). It can be greed or lust or longing. In fact, Scripture talks about the evil man pursuing his own desire and getting it.
Now, that word for heart is a bit broader than it frst appears, too. It's my emotions and intellect and just the very center of myself.
I guess this means that God wants to meet the deepest longings of the center of my being. Those are a bit less superficial. Interesting, no?
Perhaps it's this Desire of Heart that seperates a Christian from a non-Christian. If you are really a Christian, than the driving need at the Center of yourself is to Love and Know the Creator of All Things. And to Be loved by Him. It's more powerful than "longing," and more honest than "greed." Every bit as compelling as "lust." But "desire," in English, does not seem a strong enough word.
I wonder if this has something to do with our common invitation to folks, "Do you want to ask Jesus into your heart?"
What if we said, "Do you want to completely turn over the very center of your being and the remainder of your life and every decision henceforth to Jesus?" How many folks would sign up for that program?
How do you define the Desire of your Heart?


KJP said...

Oh, you tease.....

Actually, you have stated so well something I have tried to express before but just lack the words to say as eloquently.

Probably what the basis is for the seperation I see between Christians and "Christians"....

Yvonne said...

You have expressed perfectly the complexity of the Christian commitment. Salvation is free, it simply costs you your life.

Anonymous said...

Oi! that splains everyting, spose i betta lern howe to give it up!