Wednesday, May 02, 2007

get the girl more coffee

How in the world did it get to be Wednesday already? I am hopelessly sailing through time and space at an alarming rate, with the ticking away of my biological clock echoing in my ears. You'll be comforted to know that not much has changed in my world.
My house is messy, there are swarms of kids here, I am poverty stricken, yet I remain mildly cheerful. It's my nature.
The kids and I were at a fund raising thingy this weekend where they had a microphone. Microphones make me happy. There were people there whose attention I could command with the microphone thingy. I want one for my birthday.
I am going to be a chaperone on a youth group camping trip this summer. We are going to a huge concert for three days of loud Christian bands. I am so excited! I am going to revert to the age of 16 for the weekend. I was really good at being 16. I'll take pictures! It's in July, and this was why we were fund raising.
Now I think I could have a fund raiser for a new car. My plan is to get a really cool Sport Utility Vehicle with a ski rack on the top and a bike rack on the back. I'll look very athletic and cool. My budget is more 1970 V.W. Bug. My "need" is for more seat belts for my all-boy entourage. A minivan would do the trick, but that is so boring. What mom wants to drive a minivan? You might as well get a pink cadillac.
My thoughts are rambling this morning, and I am dealing with allergies. My brainwave activity is negligible.
I could not, in good concience, allow another day to pass without writing something!
Have a great day, friends.

1 comment:

KJP said...

You know, tea is much healthier for you and still has the stimulant effect you desire. Combined with a wonderful Swiss chocolate bar, you should be able to achieve a desired "buzz" with little effort and the satisfaction of knowing you are living healthier.

So, next time you are passing Starbucks, think "Tea"!

(Maybe 1970 VW's are cheaper in America - here it would be many month's salary for a daily driver. You might want to look at the Dodge Caravan, the internet looks to rate it fairly high...)