I have this amazing life. Really.
Last night, I got home to find an anonymous gift on my kitchen table. There's a gift card designated "new clothes for Kelly," and there's cash. I actually am privileged beyond measure to see such gifts from time to time, but I never get used to it.
The gifts I have received include
a house,
a car,
braces for my son,
an Alaskan cruise,
numerous mini vacations,
thousands of dollars,
a vacuum,
Christmas gifts,
...I could go on and on!
After my husband left seven years ago, I determined to take God at His Word. You see, He promises to provide for the "widow and the fatherless." Now, in the Old Testament, the word for "widow" can also be translated "abandoned." That would be me! God has always been more than faithful, and I get to see Him provide in a myriad of ways.
And God uses people to do His work. So many people have been used by Him to do His work in my life. I am humbly grateful, and more than a little awed.
The word "charity" as used in the bible, means "love." You see, I really am a Charity Case!
We are all very blessed and it is wonderful to remember it. Most of us go around thinking we've got our (financial) lives sorted out, but really none of us are stable. It's nice to be reminded of that.
I love to hear how God provides for you. And I am honored to have a friend who has such amazing faith.
Now, I'm off to go find out who the heck is calling you Dearest.
Well, it's still a mystery... my sleuthing ended with two dead-end clicks.
I'd be a great P.I...
Cathy, he lives on a Island. Does that help? I got that all figured out right away. But I still can't seem to pronounce got2boutdoors. Can you help?
You girls are silly! Jenn, it's "Got to be outdoors" and Cathy, how many mysterious people live on an Island and could possibly call me "dearest"? I suppose it's time to devote a blog to the biggest man in my life!
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