Thursday, July 20, 2006


We had bible study last night at my house.
Sometimes we call it Group Therapy with Wine so that outsiders won't reel with shock. They do that.
This GTW group is a bunch of good Christians, and I love them. We have a whole bunch of ladies on the roster. We joke that it's like the Hotel California, because "you can come in any time you like, but you can never leave."
There are the old group and the new group, because this started 9 years ago.

The old group is a bunch of great ladies who have grown quite fond of one another, and we get together to catch up from time to time. Most of them don't come to the new group anymore because they have moved on to other things. Heidi, for instance, is busy with 9 kids. Jenine is up to seven. (There's long winters in Idaho). Suzie has kids coming out of the woodwork, and a new figure to maintain. Jessie is a Hockey star. Patsy could be a model. I could write an entire entry on each of them! These women know me and seem to love me anyway. They are the sort that you can call for any need at all, even when we haven't spoken in six months. These are women I'd love to spend more time with, and I hope we're friends always.

The new group is getting really fun. I kept trying to quit for a while, because I had a bad attitude. I didn't want to invest in new people because I knew it would take me away from the old ones. I don't like to have to invest myself in New people. I like My People. It's very selfish.

There's some Old-ladies-who-have-become-new-ladies. Kara was one of the original members nine years ago. Actually, I have known her for 30 years. I need to write a whole entry on Kara. Then there's Denise, and she has been around the group for about 8 years, I think. She is Jenine's sister, and a very dear friend. Celise has been around about 3 years, but she mixes with both crowds. She and I have a ton in common, and opposite personalities. And Elke, who is coming back after being away from a while. She and her family are wonderful friends of ours. These are girls I see every week. They are immeasurably dear.
I haven't even told you about the new ladies! One day, I will.
There is something about this group that makes it a shining example of the Right Kind of Christians. They are so Real. They are open about their foibles and their sins. They love in very real ways. They love Jesus. They read His Word, they talk to Him, and they really apply His teaching to their lives. The thing that makes them so amazing, is that they don't try to be stuffy about it. None of them worries about looking Super Holy, they just love people. And isn't that what It's all about?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I'm glad you have a good support network. I can't believe you guys have been together for 9 years!