Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Can you hear me?

You know, I am not doing all that well at keeping up with this. Blogging is time-consuming stuff. I need to be inspired, otherwise I just complain.
I am watching Nick 4 days a week now. He is 18 months old. This adds an element to my life that I hadn't considered. He makes everything sluggish and slow. If I want to jog up to the store real quick, I have to strap in the carseat, then the baby, then change the diaper that wasn't messy before, then grab his diaper bag to take along, O, and don't forget a bottle. And nap time? I have to be home at nap time. You don't ever wanna miss that.
My kids have been out of that stage for a long time. I can leave them home alone with a list of chores, and sometimes they all get done.
But there's new parenting issues.
My nearly-12-year-old has lost his mind. He can't actually think anymore. I totally lost my temper with him yesterday, because he can't follow directions. He was formerly a smart kid. Now, unless you happen to be a strawberry blond with blue eyes, you are invisible. You can practically see the clouds hanging about his head. He's in a fog. I say "clean your room" and he looks at me like "What room?" And he wanders off in some random direction.
No one would obey me yesterday. I stood alone in the center of my home yesterday, surrounded by children and I spoke to the air.."Can anyone hear the sound of my voice?" ..........and no one answered.
Maybe it's me.
"unload the diswasher."
"Do your schoolwork."
"Fold the laundry."
You know what I am going to do? I am going to open my sentances with an Ear-catching phrase! This is a great idea! I'll shout something scandelous like "I AM NAKED....go clean your room."
I'll let you know how that works.


Cathy said...

Oh yes... the deaf 12 year-old syndrome. I know it well.

Let me know how the scandalous proclamation works.

I'm ready to try anything.

Anonymous said...

Didn't you already try that tactic?
I know!! why don't you just put on your cape, or your real fur coat, and walk around with that big karate stick and just be very demanding. It wouldnt hurt to try.
:-) patti

KJP said...

Welcome to the teenage years! Yes, you can literally see no one is home in your young man's eyes, just a sign reading, "This space to let".

Take courage in knowing he is not unique and somehow, 8 years from now the lights will be on once again.......